Important information about hardwood

Gorgeous undertones, quirky knots, raised grains, and swirls are just some eye treats provided by hardwood. Whether your wood floors are solid or engineered they will add value, richness, and charm to your home! Here are some things from a hardwood flooring retailer, Special Effects Flooring that will make it even easier to choose the most beautiful floors.

Know the importance of a good installation

It can be the highest quality product, but if the installation is slipshod or done by someone inexperienced, it will show up on your surface floor's appearance, performance, and longevity.

If the subfloor is damaged, uneven or even too moist, you'll experience gaps, squeaking, and cupping; the latter is caused by excess humidity.

Sometimes it will even be recommended to replace the subfloor entirely. Subfloor examination and restoration is usually an automatic part of the installation, but sometimes it’s not. Be sure to ask and, if need be, negotiate it as part of the installation.

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Know the two kinds of hardwood flooring

The only difference is construction but it has a major impact on how the wood floors perform in certain installations. As you know, wood can be damaged by excess moisture. Acclimation is also needed before the process because it moves to adjust to weather conditions.

Engineered hardwood is layered with a slice of genuine wood species on top. Underneath are at least three layers of authentic wood combined with a little resin and placed crosswise. The result is a floor that’s more stable, better able to handle water and can even be installed in basements, if you have one.

Thickness determines the number of times either hardwood can be sanded

A thicker floor is also more stable. The ideal thickness for solid is ¾-inch and it can be sanded up to five or six times. Engineered has a range from ⅝ to ½ and can be sanded up to four or five times, depending on density.
Hardwood flooring in Clayton, NC from Special Effects Flooring

What style?

While there are many species, the most common are oak, maple, cherry, hickory, and walnut. Wide planks are trending, and are more traditional. Narrow planks have a more contemporary, casual feel.

For more information about hardwood or any of our other products or services, visit the Special Effects Flooring showroom in Cary, NC. We service Clayton, NC, Raleigh, NC, Apex, NC, Cary, NC, Smithfield, NC, and Clayton, NC. We also provide complimentary consultations, as well as free quotes.